Recommended Channels
Here you will find a comprehensive list of DALnet Recommended Help Channels.
These are channels that have been given recommended channel status by the Help Committee after passing all of their guidelines.
Channel name | Founder | Description |
#Help | Help Committee | DALnet's official help channel | #OperHelp | toolman | DALnet IRC Operator Help Channel | #amIRC | StarDustr | DALnet Help Channel for the amIRC Amiga Client | #DALnetAyuda | dros | Official Spanish Help Channel / Canal de Ayuda | #DALnetUrdu | ChiefMinisteR | The Official Urdu Help Channel | #DALnetYardim | uzay | The Official Turkish Help Channel | #HelpDesk | Tw|tch | mIRC Scripting & Bot Help Channel | #Hjelp | lathans | Scandinavian help channel | #ItaliaHelp | wixx | The Official DALnet Italian Help Channel | #JmIRCHelp | eDdYk0nG | DALnet Recommended Help channel for jmIrc client | #Macintosh | Ambs | DALnet Help Channel for Macintosh |
Thanks for flying DALnet!
Tip of the day
For Services help, visit #help