DALnet Servers
DALnet is comprised of a number of servers hosted by our generous sponsors, and run by our team of volunteer staff members. Primarily, users connect either to an IX server or a Public server. IX servers have direct, fast connections to many ISP's - but not all providers are directly connected to our IX servers (and therefore, this may not work for some users). There is really no difference in the user experience when connecting to either type, so feel free to try a few and use what works best for you! Note that when connecting to an IX server (/server ix.dal.net), you will not be able to choose which IX server you connect to - it will simply put you on the one with the fastest route for you.

To connect to any random DALnet server, simply point your client to irc.dal.net, which will connect you to a random server. Or, feel free to pick public server from the list below that appears to be close to your location (we name our servers with geographical identifiers), and point your client directly there instead.

You can click each server to view its staff.

We would like to publicly acknowledge and thank our sponsors, without whom DALnet would not exist!

ATW (ATW Internet Kft.) - https://atw.hu/
Choopa (Choopa, LLC) - https://choopa.com/
Datacom (Datacom Group Ltd) - https://datacom.com/
DataPacket (DataCamp Limited) - https://datapacket.com/
Equinix (Equinix, Inc.) - https://equinix.com/
EdgeIX (EdgeIX) - https://edgeix.net/
Kape Technologies - https://kape.com/
Psychz (Psychz Networks, A Profuse Solutions Company) - https://psychz.net/
Rethem Hosting (Rethem Hosting LLC) - https://rethemhosting.net/
Sharktech (Sharktech.net) - https://sharktech.net/
Team Cymru - https://team-cymru.com/
WA-IX (Western Australia Internet Exchange) - https://www.ix.asn.au/
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