user modes
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User modes allow you to configure a number of things while on IRC. You can use them to specify how easy it will be for other people to find you, what kind of information the IRC server should pass on to you, etc. They are also commonly referred to as umodes.

This is just a basic outline for you - for more detailed information visit

Modes are generally set through the /mode command.

/mode nickname +/- mode(s)

/mode PeanutButterLover +iws
/mode PeanutButterLover -k
/mode PeanutButterLover +i-s

You can only change your own user modes: therefore, the nickname will always stand for the nick that you are using at the time.

Modes you can set:

+i - the invisible mode. Invisible mode prevents people from finding you unless they know your exact nickname or are on the same channel as you. Please note that a lot of servers actually set you to +i automatically when you first connect.

When not set to +i, a fellow user can locate you through the /who or through the /names #channelname command. IRC Operators also have the ability to see someone regardless of whether they are invisible or not.

+r - this can only be set by services and indicates that you are using and have identified to a registered nickname.

+R - this can be set by any connect client and does not allow a client who is not umode +r to message the client. Please note that the umode +R clients are not able to message a client who is not umode +r too. This includes private messages and CTCPs. A +R client will be able to receive messages from +o clients.

+s - Setting yourself +s is a request to the server to send you all the generic server messages and information about oper kills. This can turn into quite a flood so it's not always a good idea!

+w - This modes allowed you to see wallops. Wallops are network wide messages sent by IRC Operators to each other. Any user who is set to +w will also be able to observe the conversation. Wallops have become quite extinct on DALnet and are rarely sent.

KB #62
Category: Frequently Asked Questions
Added by: RedPepper
Added on: 13/01/2009 22:14
File Size
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