Happy new year!
Date: 31/12/2015
Author: chalcedony
BETWEEN the dark and the daylight,
When the night is beginning to lower,
Comes a pause in the day’s occupations...

2015 is coming to an end. A year to remember, a year to forget. Mr. Spock died. A new Star Wars movie is born. Everyone got Windows 10 because it is FREE (to anyone with a legitimate older version of Windows).

Fighting, wars, refugees.. the world is a complicated place. As we are all people let us come together, get to know one another, and CHAT on IRC.

FIRE is the oldest and most wonderful of social mediums. People come to a fire to share food and warmth, intimacy, communicate and share. IRC brings people together in the same way, anyone can come, stay, and become part of the community, our IRC family.

Campfire ~ http://prntscr.com/9iktz8

We shouldn't abandon our roots! Call someone up, email, text, invite them to come chat on DALnet.

Many marriages are made between people who meet on IRC. Countless problems have been solved, help given, suicides prevented. You owe it to yourself, friends and family, to bring them here and teach them the old and best ways. If you leave we will miss you! Come back and bring friends!

Let's have a wonderful 2016 together, here!

From all of us on DALnet, with love.
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