Set a password for your channel's website.
Date: 11/07/2001
Author: xPsycho
DALnet's provides a free service which allows you to put up a webpage for your channel at . Until now, this has presented channel founders with a dilemma, "Do I maintain the website myself, or do I give my webmaster my channel's password??"
This is no longer a problem. With the new WEBPASSWD setting, your channel can have a specific password that you can give to those persons you want to have access to your website's files on

If set, your webmaster logs into (via FTP) using your channel's name as the login, and the new WEBPASSWD that you have set as the password. If no WEBPASSWD is set, then the channel's password is still used.

For more information on this command, please read: /msg help set webpasswd
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Tip of the day
Do not share your password with anyone. DALnet staff will not ask for your password