DALnet Services - ChanServ MDEOP
ChanServ MDEOP

Mass Deopping is removing the operator status of a great deal of operators at once. In this case, ChanServ will deop anyone who has a lesser status on the channel than the person issuing the command.

AOps - AOps can only use this command on channels that have the opguard option shut off. Because this command will only deop anyone who has a lesser status than you, an AOp can only deop users who have been temporarily given operator status through mode +o.
SOps - When an SOp uses this command, they will deop anyone on the channel who is an AOp or below.
Managers - When a Manager uses this command, they will deop anyone on the channel who is an SOp or below.
Founder - When the founder uses this command, they will deop everyone on the channel, excluding themselves, of course.

Command: /ChanServ MDEOP (channel)
Example: /chanserv mdeop #docsteam
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Want to see where you're opped in? go to "Users" --> "Channels" --> "Where am I opped in?"