SAbuse Autokills [sabuse/*]
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Please find below, a comprehensive list of SAbuse AutoKills, along with the duration and reasons behind the autokill.


Nominal Duration: 30 minutes to One Week
User Action: Do not chase nicknames!

Nominal Duration: 30 minutes to One Week
User Action: You are colliding over and over, over the same nick. Fix your identify script.

Nominal Duration: 30 minutes to One Week
User Action: You are trying to use a forbidden nick over and over. Contact sabuse@ for more information.

Nominal Duration: 30 minutes to One Week
User Action: Do not chase nicknames/channels!

Nominal Duration: 30 minutes to One Week
User Action: Do not impersonate DALnet's Services!
KB #143
Category: AutoKill Information
Added by: Kobi_S
Added on: 22/08/2009 00:52
File Size
*** None ***
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