Massads Autokills [ma/???]
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Please find below, a comprehensive list of MassAds AutoKills, along with the duration and reasons behin the autokill.

This information is for guidance only, and may not reflect the real duration, or reason for the autokill.


Nominal Duration: 48 Hours - One Week
Reason: Mass Inviting to other channels is not allowed on DALnet. Please read DALnet's Mass Advertising Policy

Nominal Duration: 48 Hours - One Week
Reason: Mass Advertising Websites is not allowed on DALnet. Please read DALnet's Mass Advertising Policy
KB #72
Category: AutoKill Information
Added by: Milky
Added on: 14/01/2009 05:32
Last updated by: Milky
Last updated on: 04/02/2009 19:02
File Size
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